Aguacate | Avocado |
Albaricoque | Apricot |
Arándano | Bilberry |
Caqui | Persimmon |
Cereza | Cherry |
Ciruela | Plum |
Dátil | Date |
Frambuesa | Raspberry |
Fresa | Strawberry |
Granada | Pomegranate |
Grosella | Currant |
Grosella negra | Black currant |
Higo | Fig |
Higo chumbo | Prickly pear |
Kiwi | Kiwi fruit |
Limón | Lemon |
Mandarina | Tangerine |
Mango | Mango |
Manzana | Apple |
Melocotón | Peach |
Melón | Melon |
Membrillo | Quince |
Mora | Mulberry |
Naranja | Orange |
Nectarina | Nectarine |
Níspero | Medlar |
Papaya | Papaya ; Pawpaw |
Pera | Pear |
Piña | Pineapple |
Plátano | Banana |
Pomelo | Grapefruit |
Sandia | Watermelon |
Uva | Grape |
Zarzamora | Blackberry |
Ajo | Garlic |
Alcachofa | Artichoke |
Apio | Celery |
Batata ; Moniato | Sweet potato |
Berenjena | Aubergine ; Eggplant |
Berro | Cress ; Watercress |
Brécol | Broccoli |
Calabacín | Marrow |
Calabaza | Pumpkin |
Cebolla | Onion |
Cebolleta | Chive |
Col rizada | Kale |
Col ; berza | Cabbage |
Coles de Bruselas | Brussel sprouts |
Coliflor | Cauliflower |
Endivia | Endive |
Escarola | Curly endive ; Chicory |
Espárrago | Asparagus |
Espinaca | Spinach |
Guisante | Pea |
Haba | Broad bean |
Hortalizas ; Verduras | Vegetables |
Judia verde | French bean |
Lechuga | Lettuce |
Nabo | Turnip |
Patata | Potato |
Pepino | Cucumber |
Perejil | Parsley |
Pimiento | Pepper |
Pimiento morrón | Sweet pepper |
Puerro | Leek |
Rábano | Radish |
Rábano picante | Horseradish |
Remolacha | Beet ; Beetroot |
Seta ; Hongo | Mushroom |
Tomate | Tomato |
Zanahoria | Carrot |
Arroz | Rice |
Avena | Oats |
Canelones | Cannelloni |
Centeno | Rye |
Cereales | Cereals |
Espaguetis | Spaghetti |
Fideo | Noodle |
Harina | Flour |
Harina de arroz | Ground rice |
Harina de avena | Oatmeal |
Harina de maíz | Corn flour |
Harina de trigo | Wheat meal |
Harina integral | Wholemeal flour |
Macarrones | Macaroni |
Pan | Bread |
Pan blanco | White bread |
Pan casero | Homemade bread |
Pan de centeno | Rye Bread |
Pan de molde | Thin-crusted bread |
Pan duro | Stale bread |
Pan moreno | Brown bread |
Pan rallado | Breadcrumbs |
Pan tierno | Fresh bread |
Pan tostado | Toast |
Pasta | Pasta |
Agua mineral | Mineral wáter |
Agua tónica | Tonic wáter |
Batido | Milk shake |
Batido de fruta | Fruit shake |
Beber | To drink |
Bebida sin alcohol | Non-alcoholic drink |
Bebidas | Drinks |
Brandy | Brandy |
Café | Coffee |
Café americano | Large black coffee |
Café cortado | Coffee with a dash of milk |
Café descafeinado | Decaffeinated coffee |
Café en grano | Coffee beans |
Café expres | Espresso coffee |
Café instantáneo | Instant coffee |
Café irlandés | Irish coffee |
Café molido | Ground coffee |
Café solo | Black coffee |
Café torrefacto | Roasted coffee |
Cerveza | Beer |
Cerveza de malta | Malt beer |
Cerveza embotellada | Bottled beer |
Cerveza negra | Stout |
Cerveza rubia | Lager |
Champán | Champagne |
Chocolate caliente | Hot chocolate |
Cóctel | Cocktail |
Gaseosa ; Limonada | Lemonade |
Ginebra | Gin |
Infusión de hierbas | Herbal tea |
Infusión de manzanilla | Camomile tea |
Jugo ; Zumo | Juice |
Leche | Milk |
Licor (bebida dulce) | Liqueur |
Licores | Spirits (U.K.) ; Liquor (USA) |
Mosto | Grape juice ; Must |
Refresco | Soft drink |
Refresco de cola | Cola |
Ron | Rum |
Sidra | Cider |
Soda | Soda wáter |
Té | Tea |
Té con leche | Tea with milk |
Té con limón | Tea with lemon |
Té de menta | Mint tea |
Tener sed | To be thirsty |
Vermut | Vermouth |
Vino | Wine |
Vino añejo | Mature wine |
Vino blanco | White wine |
Vino corriente | Ordinary wine |
Vino de aguja ; Vino espumoso | Sparkling wine |
Vino de Jerez | Sherry |
Vino de la casa | House wine |
Vino de Malaga | Malaga wine |
Vino de mesa | Table wine |
Vino de Oporto | Port |
Vino de postre | Dessert wine |
Vino de reserva | Reserve |
Vino de solera | Vintage wine |
Vino peleón | Cheap wine |
Vino rosado | Rosé wine |
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